Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monotony, Depression, and a Departure. What a splendid day.

Although China is 10,000 Km from the life I grew up with, is foreign in food, culture, language, and mentality, it's surprising how dull it can become. I've settled so much into this lifestyle that every day is so similar. The content I teach, study, and practice may be different, but everyday is piano practice, coffee, teaching, and Chinese study. This country is so chaotic and unpredictable, but, ironically, I need some change.

This are likely the words of seasonal depression. Zhengzhou is painfully trudging through the cold rainy spell before spring is forecasted. This weekend should be upper-60's with sun, but right now it's mid-30's and rainy. Thanks to it being late March, the piano center where I practice turned off all their heating. After 45 min I gave up practicing as my hands were losing feeling and nothing was sounding as it should.

Next, my favorite student left the school today. He's transferring to a school in his hometown and is gone for good. He was the one ray of hope in my lower level class. His name, accurately, is Ray.

Right now, I need this venting forum. I can't complain to my coworker, Kellen, because he has it worse. His electric bike was stolen last night.

In such ridiculously unpleasant circumstances, I usually laugh inappropriately figuring it's better than frustration. Thanks to such, I had a fit of uncontrollable laughter in class when a student asked who would take Ray's place on their team now that he's gone. I suggested Donger, a student absent from more classes than his low math ability allows him to calculate, a student who has never brought a notebook or anything to class, a student who is so apathetic he refuses to do anything other than sleep instead of being bothered to learn 5 vocabulary words. The thought that my class is one polite, bright student less and instead is left with Donger, well my students wondered what was wrong with me as I laughed ridiculously for 5 minutes. Oh, China.

We need spring. Bad.

Later Days,


bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

Jeesh. Doesn't sound like the best week :( Hopefully spring comes soon!

Sijie said...

Hang in there Rick, Send all the MN sunshine your way!