Saturday, June 2, 2012

A final Visit with a Friend...and, yeah, the Great Wall, again.

Annie and I both came to China two years ago with our company, EMW.  We met in Beijing for the orientation and were equally terrified of, yet open to, what would come.  Now, two years later we both return to our respective home countries—she with an acceptance to an elite grad school, and I with language proficiency.  We started together, stayed in contact through it all exchanging tales of our day-to-day experiences, and now we’re ending together.


For one last chance to meet, we traversed Chinese back to Beijing.  We went to the night markets as she pointed out things she wanted and I aggressively bargained in Chinese for each.   Then there came an entire leg of lamb—the ultimate in grilled street food.  With Annie’s ever-positive attitude and openness we befriended the owners; later we went rollerblading with passersby. 


The next day we visited the popular food street where I accused the food stall workers of price gouging.  We refused to buy anything and decided to go down a back alley for the real Chinese food at real prices.  Annie’s the best at finding good hole-in-the-wall restaurants.  Crossing the road into a tourist shop, the manager challenged my Chinese by having me read aloud the words on a scroll.  I said, “If I continue reading, you continue to lower the price.”  He put the scroll down.


Our journey took us up the Great Wall of China, above you see Annie’s first step onto the wall.  At the top we stopped to play Uno.  Next it was onto the Birds nest and Olympic park.  Finally, it all wound down as we spent the next morning visiting Jason (my friend from Zhengzhou who is in Beijing for training to go teach in the US) and to say farewell at the train station. 


Thank you, Annie, and good luck.


Later Days,


1 comment:

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

Wow, you are ready to throw down with your Chinese...way to go!