Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sitting in Rome at the moment, I am but one week from the end of my European vacation.  I attempted to load multiple pictures to give a taste of the adventure--and it really has been a tasting adventure.  As I look through my photos I find a majority of them are of me eating something.  Yes, yes, I saw the Colosseum, but the Gelato and Espresso were incredible! 

The sweet and short is that the itinerary went/is going like this:

Zurich (Switzerland)
Steinen (Germany)
Freiburg (Where I studied in Germany)
Stuttgart (where I worked in Germany)
Basel (Switzerland)
Bergamo (also Italy)

Captions and more tales to come once stateside starting July 30; right now I've got to go make dinner with Italians!  Bon appetit!

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