Halloween arrived at Number 47 Middle school this past week. We, the FEC foreign teachers, spent the week planning and preparing for the events on Friday and Monday (yet to come). We decorated both classrooms (picture 1). Classroom one had pumpkin carving all day while classroom two had Halloween activities, like apple bobbing (picture 2), creepy body parts (picture 4; eg. brains are noodles, blood is ketchup, but the heart was a real pig's heart!), mummy races (picture 5), and face painting. We had costumes as well; Kellen is the skeleton pictured (picture 3) and I'm the "masquerade murderer".
After the Halloween chaos subsided, we spent a fun Friday night at dinner and discovering a great new restaurant. Saturday followed with a relaxing day―due in part to the absence of electricity in the entire school for 24 hours. We moseyed around the city, enjoying cappuccinos, hair cuts, movie releases (Green Lantern & Rise of the Planet of the Apes), and a fantastic hotpot 海底捞―a student from last year's favorite (picture 6.)
Finally, Sunday was filled with an early morning trip to the nearby city of Kaifeng, home to the chrysanthemum festival in a former emperor's palace. A Chinese teacher from my school―Maggie (王燕)―invited me to join her, her mother, her daughter, and two students to go to Kaifeng. The next picture is of Maggie and me in front of the mums on display (picture 7). She is incredibly nice, insisting that I come and visit when I have free time so I can practice my Chinese. Because of this, we spent the entire day speaking Chinese!
Sitting here Sunday night, it was a busy and exhausting weekend, yet one completely worth it.
Later Days,